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Completed projects

Modern Parliament for a Modern Armenia

Start Date: February, 2020

End Date: 30 December 2022

The UNDP “Modern Parliament for a Modern Armenia” project is co-implemented with the OxYGen Foundation, the International Center for Human Development, and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, in cooperation with the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. The project is funded by the United Kingdom’s Good Governance Fund and the Government of Sweden.

The project is aimed at strengthening the legislative body of Armenia to carry out its key functions of law-making, oversight and representation in its new and fundamentally enhanced role within the governance system, focusing on improved quality, transparency and inclusiveness of parliamentary operations in line with the SDGs and global 2030 Agenda of leaving no one behind.

To do so, the project will embrace the participatory and inclusive approach to design and progress the gender mainstreaming strategy for the Parliament. For this purpose, a participatory Gender Mainstreaming Roadmap for the Parliament (hereinafter Roadmap) will be developed, which will propose strategies and activities for gender mainstreaming not only in the law-making, budgeting and oversight processes of the Parliament but also in the gender-sensitive communication and outreach, as well as will propose expanded programs for women’s leadership through working directly with women deputies.

With a long-term goal of enhancing gender sensitivity within the Parliament, the project will support the further operation of the CSO-NA Platform (hereinafter Platform)[1], with the special emphasis on participatory analysis of selected draft legal acts through gender prism, consideration of gender impact of legislation at local and national levels.

The Project enables a conducive platform of collaboration between the executive and legislative branches for the proper implementation of the 2019-2023 Strategy of Gender Policy in the Republic of Armenia (Country Gender Strategy) as well as promotes compliance with and mechanisms for implementation of key national and international framework documents on gender equality and empowerment of women, with the specific focus on CEDAW and Beijing Platform.


[1] The CSO-National Assembly Platform for promotion of equal rights and opportunities for women and men has been established on March 8, 2019, by OxYGen Foundation and National Assembly, involving more than 23 women rights NGOs, within the framework of the “Equal: Promoting Women Political Participation” project funded by the Swedish Government and implemented by OxYGen Foundation.