Institutionalization, Replication and Dissemination of Disaster Risk Reduction Best Practices in Armenia
Project duration: May 2017 – October 2018
Save the Children International Armenia Representative Office in partnership with OxYGen Foundation for Protection of Youth and Women Rights will implement an exit phase of previous Reduction (DRR) interventions within the scope of DIPECHO Program.
The regional program is funded by the European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO) and is implemented in Georgia and Armenia.
The program will put the main focus on the institutionalization, replication and dissemination of best practices and models attained during the previous phases by Save the Children and DIPECHO implementing partners.
The project will mainstream capacity development of decision makers at the national, provincial and community levels. Special focus will be attached to the development of capacities and sustainability of DRR National Platform.
The program will advocate for mainstreaming inclusiveness, gender and children issues in planning and implementation of DRR policies and strategies. To create a “culture of safety” among children, youth and the wider public, a variety of awareness raising interventions will be conducted within the framework of project., The interventions will include wide dissemination of DRR education materials, organization of thematic games and contests, creation of educational soft games, etc.
The Program partners are the Ministry of Emergency Situations of RA, Ministry of Education and Science, DRR National Platform and Crisis Management State Academy.
“Institutionalization, replication and dissemination of Disaster Risk Reduction interventions in South Caucasus of European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Department” Project is implemented by Save the Children International Armenia Representative Office in collaboration with OxYGen Foundation for Protection of Youth and Women Rights.