News Job Vacancy. Gender Portfolio Program Manager OxYGen is a Foundation, founded by Oxfam GB as an Oxfam spin-off local organization. OxYGen…OxyAdmin03/03/2023
News Job Vacancy. Grant Accountant OxYGen is an independent advocacy and development foundation driven by its vision of an Armenia…OxyAdmin26/01/2023
News The “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence” campaign kicks off Today, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the 16 Days…OxyAdmin25/11/2022
News The second meeting of the Women’s Professional Development Network took place On November 5 and 6, the second meeting of the Women’s Professional Development Network took…OxyAdmin10/11/2022
News Findings of Research on Gender-Biased Sex Selection in the Republic of Armenia presented In November 7, the findings of the research “Gender-Biased Sex Selection in the Republic of…OxyAdmin08/11/2022